
Medically Supervised Weight Loss

At Fonthealth, we believe in treating the person, not just the condition.
The pillars of our muscle-centric weight management program include
medication, nutrition, and behavioural change. We are interested in
muscle health, metabolism improvement, quality of life and longevity.
Our program is structured membership-style with frequent touchpoints to
ensure that you will be successful in the treatment plan that we build
together. We tackle challenges as a multidisciplinary team to offer the
best solutions. Change is hard! We are here for you.
It’s time to stop chasing fat loss and focus on health optimization. You
deserve more than pounds shed; you deserve real change!


Initial Consult | $250
Includes comprehensive history, physical assessment, initial blood work,
nutritional counseling, body composition analysis and a plan of action.

Membership Program available | Starting at $199/month +HST
 Includes a holistic approach through
medical management, nutritional support, and behavioral counselling.
Frequent touch points are key for success. You can expect both regular
in-person and virtual touch points.

program options

We understand that each individual is unique, and we believe in taking a personalized approach to wellness. Our team begins by conducting a comprehensive assessment of each patient's medical history, lifestyle, and specific goals. This thorough evaluation allows us to create customized treatment plans that address the specific needs of each individual.


$199+ HST /MONTH


Medical Management



Program Coordinator

Who is this program intended for?

This program is perfect for individuals like you who already feel confident in your nutrition, physical fitness, and emotional regulation skills. If you're facing a weight loss plateau or struggling to shed those extra pounds, it's time for a comprehensive medical review. Let's delve into detailed bloodwork and planning to unlock the next steps in your journey toward successful weight loss!



$499+ HST /MONTH


Program Coordinator


Medical Management





Nutrition Optimization

Who is this program intended for?

Welcome to our comprehensive program designed to provide expert guidance and support across various aspects of your health journey. If you're seeking to enhance your eating habits, identify areas for improvement, and benefit from robust support and accountability, you're in the right place. Our program employs a holistic team approach, integrating medical supervision, nutrition optimization, motivational coaching and regular check-ins with our dedicated healthcare professionals over the next 16 weeks. Your path to improved health begins here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I only want the prescribed medication and not the program?

If you have a primary care provider open to managing your weight, we encourage you seek their counsel. 

Our approach is comprehensive and intensive. It works best for people interested in support, follow-up and guidance all the way through. If this sounds like you, connect with us here.

Can insurance/benefits cover the cost of the program?

Parts of the program are covered by benefits. Generally members can have coverage for their medication, naturopath, and psychotherapists.

What are the benefits to having a team support me?

Our multidisciplinary team includes a nurse practitioner, nutritionist and psychotherapist to help diagnose your triggers when it comes to weight management. This approach offers support in both helping you reach and maintain your goals.

Will I require medication for sustained success in my weight loss journey?

While we do introduce medication as an aid, it is not the sole booster in your weight loss journey. It is our goal to provide multiple tools like well crafted nutritional guidance and behavioural support for long term success. 

How much weight can I expect to lose?

We cannot guarantee a specific percentage of weight loss as every person is unique when it comes to medical history, age, current weight, goals and most importantly their commitment to the program. 

Is this program offered in a virtual, hybrid or in-person format?

We offer a mix of virtual and in-person meetings to best accommodate your schedule. 

Do you offer financing?

Yes we offer financing through do finance

What if I'm already on other medications?

Medication is used as an aid in our program, but it not the only tool available to help meet your goals. We welcome anyone who cannot or does not wish to part-take in the medication portion of our program.