*We offer complimentary consultations for medical aesthetic services*

Dermal FIller | Starting At $550 + HST

Injectable dermal fillers are used to fill in wrinkles, provide volume, and augment facial features creating a beautiful natural rejuvenation of the face. 

Neuromodulators | $10/unit +HST

Commonly known as "Botox" neuromodulators  relax the facial muscles that cause frown lines and other facial wrinkles. It is often used to relieve migraines, excessive sweating and teeth clenching.  

Chemical Peels | $200 +HST

Chemical peels are used to improve skin by reducing  hyperpigmentation, minimizing pores, clearing acne an effective way to reduce hyperpigmentation, clear acne, minimize pores, and improve overall skin tone and complexion.

Microneedling - Collagen Induction Therapy  | $450+ HST/ Session 

Microneedling can improve the skin's texture by smoothing, firming, and toning to improve the appearance of scars, acne, hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles. Supercharge this procedure with PRP exosomes or a personalized cocktail under the guidance of your practitioner.

PRP Therapy - Facial Rejuvenation + Hair Restoration | $450+ HST/ Session 

Using your own blood by extracting the growth factor rich plasma, PRP helps promote tissue regeneration, wound healing, scar revision, hair restoration, and rejuvenating effects.

Skin tag & mole removal | starting at $100 + Hst

We offer safe skin tag and mole removal service to help you achieve smoother, clearer skin. Our experienced nurse practitioner utilizes advanced techniques, such as cauterization and cryotherapy to effectively and efficiently eliminate unwanted skin tags and moles. Prioritizing your comfort and well-being, our procedures are performed with precision and care.