Introducing Fonthealth, Niagara’s weight loss and Hormone Therapy Clinic. 

A comprehensive approach to your wellness, offered by medical health care professionals with a passion to see you thrive! 

Our Approach

At Fonthealth, we believe in treating the person, not just the condition. We value evidence-based services and approaching your health goals as a team! We are relentless in our efforts to offer the highest quality care, where you are heard and truly feel empowered in your health decisions. 


meet our team

Jenn Coffey

Nurse Practitioner & Program Lead

Annie Mazmanian


Shawn Severin


Camila Restrepo

 Aesthetics Nurse Specialist

Barbara Soares

Nutritional Coach

Bashar Hassani


Dr. Andrea D'Angelo

Naturopathic Doctor

Ally Melo

Office Manager

"Since my early 50s I always wanted to lose my menopause weight (20 pounds), but I never could. I've tried everything and let me tell you nothing worked. I felt tired, I had hot flashes felt nauseous all the time, I was so miserable.
But Jenny at Fonthealth told me she could help , she set me up with her plan and it took only 5 weeks. I learned so much about myself, and Diane, the nutritionist, taught me everything about food. Camila and Jenny giving me B complex +Vitamin D injection and the immune drip , wow I feel like I'm in my 40s again the energy and I'm so much stronger and feel like me again ! I never thought I can feel like again , thank you!"

-Brig. Fonthill, Ontario

"Amazing staff,very professional.

Jenny,Diane and Camila have helped me a lot to achieve my goals, I have returned to my weight in a very short time.thanks a lot."

-Osbany. Niagara Falls, Ontario

Begin Your Journey

We prioritize patient safety and satisfaction above all else. Our compassionate staff ensures that every patient receives the highest quality care in a comfortable and welcoming environment.

If you're ready to embark on a journey towards improved wellness, Fonthealth is here to support you every step of the way.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how our services can help you achieve optimal health and well-being.